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Appvion Papers Announces 8% Increase

Appvion Announces 8% Price Increase.

Click here to view the Paper Mills announcement:  Appvion Price Increase Letter12-21-2023


Appvion Supplies most of the Polythermal Materials and the Heavy Weight Ticket and Tag stocks.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Written By
Mindy Timm

Mindy Timm is the Sales Manager for Graphic Tickets & Systems, where she gives guidance and helps the customer with getting the product that will perform the best for their needs. Dedicated to the end-user, she is enthusiastic about talking to people all over the U.S. and taking care of their thermal paper needs as quickly and efficiently as possible so they can worry about the other projects on their desk. For more information about Mindy or thermal paper, please feel free to visit our website at

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